Block Script
What are We Trying to Do?

We are living in a world where knowing how to use different technologies is a must. Since the introduction of the internet in the 80s, our lives have became more and more involved with technology. We spend most of our time surfing the web and using different websites. Having the skills needed to create ones own website has became more important in past years.

What is Block Script?

Block Script will be a visual programming language designed to ease the process of web development for children. Block Script will allow its users to develop fully interactive websites with client side logic without the need to write any code. Block Script also makes it easy and fun for children to learn the fundamentals of web-development. It archives this by gamifying the process of web-development and having a user friendly UI.

Block Script Architecture

Block Script is divided into two different parts.

  1. The editor which will let the user to design and develop their website. The editor application consists of two parts.
    1. The UI editor
    2. The logic editor
    3. These two parts work together and allow the user to design the UI and the logic of their website.
  2. The compiler which will automatically turn the users design into code. The result will be HTML, CSS and JS files which are the implementation of the users website.
Our Plan

We will develop the editor using Electron.js framework. This will allow us to reuse the same design and code base in the future for the web version of our editor. The compiler will be developed using C++ language and it will act as a server. The editor will send the block design to the compiler and the compiler will send the generated files back to the editor. This will allow us to use the same compiler for desktop and web version of our editor.

Our Repots
Project Specification DocumentAnalysis and Requirement Report